Collegium Vocale Gent


After the Passion period, Collegium Vocale Gent wants to share more music with you, for free and online, in particular the music of J.S. Bach.


As of this week you can enjoy the film by the Spanish-Belgian filmmaker Clara Pons “Lebenslicht” via the website.

It is a film about the squeezing bond between man and his world. Clara Pons’ Lebenslicht follows three generations of men, each the child of their father. The grandfather reflects on the end of his life, the father struggles with his relationship, the boy suffers and dreams. There are no answers, Bach’s music can only relieve our pain. Only the music speaks the language of emotion.

Enjoy it. In Corona times we like to bring the music closerto you.

Would you like to continue to support the singers and musicians of Collegium Vocale Gent, even in these difficult times? . You can do so by a donation by bank transfer to the non-profit association Collegium Vocale, Drongenhof 42, 9000 Ghent; IBAN BE 08 8939 4405 7013 – BIC VDSP BE91 with the mention “Gift 2020”.

You can also do it directly via this link.